The music-tech landscape continues to evolve rapidly, with new tools for music creation, financing, and marketing cropping up on a weekly basis. How can artists best navigate this sea change and evaluate which of these tools are actually effective channels and partners for achieving their long-term career goals — versus just a hyped-up, fleeting trend?

Join us for an in-depth intensive workshop aimed at artists, artist managers, and artist helpers who are eager to stay up to date on the latest tech, while staying critical and grounded in long-term strategy. We'll give an introductory overview to how three major emerging tech paradigms — generative AI, mixed reality, and Web3 — are helping the music industry rethink traditional approaches to creating and monetizing IP, growing audiences, and engaging fan communities.

We will be light on speculation and heavy on concrete, data-driven case studies illustrating the myriad ways to incorporate emerging technologies into a long-term music career. Featured speakers will include local founders, label owners, and artist collaborators building new precedents for emerging music-tech strategy in real time.

Attendees will leave with a stronger vocabulary for talking about emerging technology with their teams and audiences; a set of frameworks for evaluating tech-forward business opportunities; and a strengthened local network of connections with like-minded music-tech creators, leaders, and entrepreneurs.

Confirmed Speakers

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Christina Calio

Co-Founder, Popins

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Dick Huey

Founder, Toolshed Inc.

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Sarah LaReau

Designer & Strategist, Humanity Communications Collective

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Alex Weinberg (Weinbagz)


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Cherie Hu

Founder, Water & Music

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Lee Kebler

Creative Director, Invisible Thread

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Meara McLaughlin

Executive Director, MusicPortland

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Kevin Duquette

Co-Founder, Topshelf Records/

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C.Y. Lee



Doors Open


Cherie Hu
Founder, Water & Music
Meara McLaughlin
Exectuive Director, MusicPortland
Welcome remarks with a side of music and technology context-setting.


Music and Web3
C.Y. Lee
Kevin Duquette
Founder, Topshelf Records
Cherie Hu
Founder, Water & Music
Exploring how artists can use the blockchain and related technologies such as NFTs to develop new audiences, create interactive and dynamic fan experiences, and generate net new sources of revenue.


Music in the Metaverse
Christina Calio
Co-Founder, Popins
Lee Kebler
Creative Director, Invisible Thread
Dick Huey
Founder, Toolshed Inc.
Highlighting entry points for independent artists to begin experimenting with mixed reality and metaverse experiences, with a focus on creative worldbuilding and new models around virtual fan and artist communities.


Music and Creative AI
Sarah LaReau
Designer & Strategist, Humanity Communications Collective
Introducing the burgeoning world of music-related AI tools, and how artists might harness them as supportive, augmentative tools for creativity, marketing, and career development.


Closing Session
Cherie Hu
Founder, Water & Music
A short final session, providing a space for audience questions and group discussion summing up learnings from the day.


$75 for non-members


Capacity for this event is limited, so act quickly to reserve your spot!

$45 for members


W&M and MP members, check your inboxes for the discount code.

Interested in a student/media discount? Want to partner with our event? Please reach out at — we'd love to hear from you

About Us

w&m logo

Water & Music is a research network for music and tech, on a mission to make the music industry more innovative, cooperative, and transparent. From in-depth, data-driven analyses on emerging market trends, to hands-on educational workshops and a regular slate of virtual and IRL event programming, W&M aims to equip music-industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and creators with the tools and mindsets to navigate tech innovation successfully.

Our network spans thousands of paying supporters and contributors, and our membership program gives you unlimited access to our research archive, discounts to IRL events and courses, and more.

Learn more and join today!

music portland logo

MusicPortland is a grassroots trade association and advocacy group with the mission to make Portland a better place to work in music. Their community of 5,000+ engaged music professionals represents the outsized, independent music economy in the Portland, OR area — home to 10,000+ unique recording acts, 700+ individual music businesses, and 300+ venues.

As an organization, MusicPortland has successfully advocated for increased funding for local musicians and music businesses, and continually advises and lobbies on the passage of music-supportive public policy in the region. You can learn more about their work and membership benefits here.

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